Sunday, January 17, 2010

Skin Lesion Checking

Skin Lesion Checking

This is the 21st Century. Why can't I go into a Skin Check place where: 
  1. I take my clothes off and stand in a standard pose; 
  2. Multiple high definition cameras take pictures of every inch of skin with overlap for matching [might need more than one standard pose]; 
  3. Use the overlaps and clever software to get a complete 3D picture; 
  4. Compare picture to previous 3D pic from 3 months previously; 
  5. Bring lesion changes to attention of expert; 
  6. Contact me if further check needed; 
  7. Check back when cancers found to see if the lesion change could have been detected earlier without bringing up too many false positives.

The software to match up overlapping pictures is already in existence (e.g. Google Maps satellite view, but also for putting together a sequence of overlapping landscape pics). Human geometry is a bit tricky. Then comparing to the previous picture is tricky because people change, poses are not identical. Still most skin, certainly mine, has lots of skin features that aren't going to change much and can keep the mapping process in sync.

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