Monday, August 26, 2024

Positive Communication with Russian and Chinese People

The West is in conflict with the governments of Russia and China, but should be trying to send a message of future peace to the people.

For the Russian people we should be emphasising that we see them as part of our culture, with some of the European world's great novelists, composers, dancers, and also scientists and mathematicians. We don't want the Russian Federation destroyed because Siberia will then inevitably fall under the influence and even control of China. We want to help Russia preserve its unity.

For the Chinese people we seem to be sending the message that we will fight them to preserve the split in their country. The message we should get to them, if we can, is that if their civil war resumes then this time the choice will be between one side that is an economically successful democracy, and the other which is an economically incompetent autocracy that is leading them to conflict and poverty. It can't hurt to get the CCP to consider the possibility that the people might prefer the other side.

We need to win the peace with positive messages for the people.

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